Tuesday, February 26, 2019

All Aboard The Underground Aleroad!

Sweet Talking Son, Source: savour.com (recipe link)
Welcome to the Underground Aleroad! This is a new drink making and mixology blog I decided to start out of my love for the hobby and respect for those who do it professionally. On this blog, I plan to dive into cocktail recipes, taste testing drinks/spirits/beer, talking with bartenders, and exploring the world of mixology and the rabbit holes that will undoubtedly pop up periodically.

A bit about me: I've been making drinks for about 3 years now in the Charleston, WV area. I am not a bartender but I've made drinks for people at parties and at my own home bar and at family gatherings. I'm very much an amateur and I don't want anyone to think that I believe anything said on here is gospel. Read: I am not a professional. I just enjoy making (and drinking) cocktails and I love the history and culture that surrounds it. I wanted to start this blog to celebrate that as well as document my own growth and progress in the hobby.

So what do I plan on doing on this blog? I plan on recording videos of how to make certain cocktails, interview local bartenders, discuss the intricacies of certain spirits, perform taste tests (even on things I know I do not like), and many other things. In 2018, I built a bar in my sunroom and it was all very much trial and error. Now, in 2019 - my fiancĂ© and I have a new home and I will be building a full basement bar. It is my hope that sharing my experience will help those who are planning to do the same one day. If it's not helpful, perhaps it will at least be entertaining.

In any case, welcome (whoever you are)! I hope to learn more about alcohol with you and share secrets and opinions on this topic. So please, feel free to join in on the conversation. I'm not a snob and I will not judge. So grab some ice and a glass (as well as a coaster) and lets make some tasty shit!